Are you a senior executive having problems at work?


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Your organisation is facing major change  

  • You have highflyers across the business who are struggling

  • Key individuals are stuck in their personal development


Maybe you have tried some of the following?

  • Developed cross silo strategies that have only partially worked

  • Had conversations with your direct reports about reducing stress. Perhaps more “tell” than “listen”

  • Identified that patterns of behaviour are hard to shift and not sure how to go about solving the issue


Harvard Business Review:
Assessment of Coaching

The old idea that coaching is the badge of a career in trouble has been buried. Executive Coaching is no longer the last chance saloon before a key employee is given the push. 

Companies would rather keep their good people than let them go – and not just for budgetary reasons. Between 25% and 40% of Fortune 500 companies use executive coaches. 

It is remarkable how many smart, highly motivated, and apparently responsible people rarely pause to contemplate their own behavior. 

Often more inclined to move on than to reflect deeply, executives may reach the top ranks without addressing their limitations. 

Coaching gets them to slow down, gain awareness, and notice the effects of their words and actions. 

That enables coachees to perceive choices rather than simply react to events; ultimately, coaching can empower them to assume responsibility for their impact on the world.


These are complex issues

Why not speak to a trained professional?

I’m David Mace, an Executive Coach


What is special about David Mace?


I like to think I bring a ‘been there, done that’ perspective to our coaching sessions. Or at least I know where you are coming from. I’ve held senior positions for many years in a wide variety of corporate businesses. I’ve worked in different countries with a mix of nationalities, so I have a cultural understanding of different work practices and customs.  


Thanks from a company who have hired me:  

“David, don’t underestimate the effect you have had on this company.”

and from a coachee: 

“…this has been a truly transformative year for me. Your support is much appreciated.”



 Why not phone me now or e-mail if you prefer?

+44 (0) 7974 333 621